Child Abusers Unite Against Protective Parents

I joined the site "Children Need Both Parents" to see if it is a supportive site for innocent parents who have been unjustly alienated from their children or a breeding ground for child abuse excuses!

I was made aware of this site when two active and vocal participants Charity Ohse Kreasko and Julia Moreno, (aka Sister Charity & Sister Julia) decided to launch a personal attack against my mother Holly Collins. They claim that my mother is a "parental alienator" and that my brother and I are the victims of Parental Alienation Syndrome.

We don’t even know these two women and all they know about us is what they have read on the internet. What is their motive to try to disprove that our mother was abused and that she attempted to protect her children also from abuse? I am now 24 years old and my brother is 26. We are clearly old enough to vocalize what happened to us. Who are these two strangers to disbelieve us?

The court found that our mother Holly Collins was battered by our father Mark Collins. The court found that our father was “physically harsh” with us children. The Court found that our father would strangle us, shake us by the neck and that he threatened to “kill” us. The visitation supervisors witnessed the bruises on our little bodies when we were brought to the facility by our father.

But Charity Ohse Kreasko and Julia Moreno claim to know better. I decided to try to find out who these women are:

Charity Dawn Ohse (33) & Robert Kreasko (63) are court found "child abusers" from Elizabeth West Virginia. Charity lost custody of her own daughter, Betsy in court due to the abuse. Although she is granted limited visitation, her husband Robbert Kreasko is denied all contact with Betsy for her own protection. They currently have custody of their 2 year old son Walter.

Julia Moreno (37) & Scott Hartman (37) from Barstow California in the Southern California Desert also lost custody of their two children Joshua & Julianna because they were also found to be “abusive ” parents. They are now divorced but they are both still denied custody.

As a typical rebuttal by abusers to cover up child abuse, both Charity & Robbert Kreasko and Julia & Scott Moreno are now professing “Parental Alienation Syndrome.” They want to promote PAS at any cost to try to convince the world their parental rights are being infringed upon. What about their poor abused children? What about their rights?

Does keeping a child safe from an abusive parent constitute “Parental Alienation Syndrome?”

How can we find a way to work together to help children who are alienated from genuinely good parents and protect them from abusers who are falsely trying to claim the same?

I support the concept of this site; Children Need Both (FIT) Parents but most important Children Need to be Protected Against Abuse!

Don’t you agree?

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