We were in safe housing and the address was supposed to be Court Protected from our father. Yet he found us within 4 weeks. The Guardian ad Litem admitted that he thought our father might have read the address in his files, but since he wasn’t sure he didn’t warn my mother because he “didn’t want to upset her for nothing.”
Police Report:
Domestic Situation
July 16 1992
Mark Jude Collins 6/15/1964 6433 Cloverdale Crystal Minnesota (533-5417)
I met with Holly Collins… She had an order through Hennepin County as he had been physically abusive towards her. The abuse involved the use of a knife. She showed me a copy of the order… I read a short paragraph that refrain him from assaulting her. However there was no language restraining him from contacting her. He was not supposed to know where she lived. Tonight her children said that saw someone who looked like him walk by the bedroom window. The children saw this same person standing by the corner of the garage. Ms. Collins was visibly afraid of her husband finding her.
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