Adult Children of Abuse - No longer "Voiceless"

Hilary Foretich, now known as Elena Mitrano was rescued from Court Appointed Abuse Child Abuse by her courageous mother, Elizabeth Morgan and secretly fled the country with her maternal grandparents to New Zealand. Elizabeth Morgan spent 25 months in jail in order to protect Hillary from abuse.

When I was only 7 years old, the Family Court awarded custody of me and my brother Zachary (9) to our abusive father who was found by the very same judge to be an abuser! For 18 months and 8 days we suffered even more Court Appointed Child Abuse until our amazing young mother, Holly Collins kidnapped us away from our father’s house of hell!

When we were on the run our mom researched local libraries while we were entertained with the children's story hour. My mom found the Foretich/Morgan Case and their story stirred up the courage in our own mom to also attempt to find us sanctuary in New Zealand. We were apprehended in Europe during a layover. Three long years of living in refugee centers, we were the first Americans to receive asylum in the Netherlands.

"Little Hilary," "Little Zachary," and "Little Jennifer" are no longer silenced thanks to our heroic mothers. Zachary and I intend on giving abused children a voice to be reckoned with through our new organization CA3 - Children Against Court Appointed Child Abuse.

Elena has expressed her wonderful voice through her newly release album “Rescue Me.” This is one of my favorite songs, “Voiceless” from Elana Mitrano. ~ Jennifer, Executive Director CA3