October 25, 2008 - Judge Porter Takes Revenge on Holly Collins

So many of you have asked what happened in the October 15 hearing regarding my little bother.

Judge Porter issued a complete gag order on my mother! He threatened her with arrest if she reveals any information about this order.

Judge Charles A. Porter

Judge Porter also forbids my mother from having any information about the proceedings. We don't even know what was discussed, what transpired, what was decided, etc... Surely Judge Porters order is unconstitutional and basically illegal.

Fortunately, my mom was on a camping trip with the little kids when Zachary was served with the papers at home. He sent them to me and I am the one releasing this information. Since we are concerned that Judge Porter is really out to punish our mother for defying his order 15 years ago (by running with us to keep us safe) we can not release the specifics of his latest order.

I have started a seperate blog site for my brother: http://whoismyrealdad.blogspot.com/

This whole case doesn't make any sense for several reasons:

- By law, Minnesota no longer has jurisdiction of the case!

- My brother has lived in Holland for 14+ of his 15+ years. He has no memory of his father.

- My brother, his mother and his father were all living in Europe (at the same time) for years. Minnesota lost the jurisdiction then.

- Judge Porter is not even in family court anymore. He has been in criminal court for the last 5 years.

- Judge Porter should recue himself for a conflict of interest. This is the same judge who is responsible for the abuse to me and my older brother 15 years ago.

-14 Years Ago, Judge Porter gave temporary custody to “Chips” father (who had no prior interest in his son) in an ex parte order in a hearing which my mother had no notice and no opportunity to be heard. Up until that moment my mother has sole physical and legal custody and the father had supervised visitation with the baby.

- Now Judge Porter held another hearing which was scheduled on insufficient notice at a time and place they were advised that my mother could not attend.

- The judge won't even tell my mother what (if anything) he decided or what (if anything) was said about my mom or my brother. He is refusing to let my mom have a transcript of the hearing and is threatening her with jail if she even tells anyone that they had the hearing.

- This is the third Gag Order issued against my mother by the Hennepin County Family Court. The last two gag orders were ruled unconstitutional and over turned by the appellate court. How can Judge Porter get away with issuing another gag order against the same person? Surely there has to be some sort of judicial accountability.

- Jeff has always had the option of coming to Holland to try to enforce the return of his son under the Hague treaty. He could have done that for the last two years and his position now is no stronger with the kangaroo court order.

- Jeff won't even talk to his son on the phone. There is no way he can morally justify his actions. His misuse of the court system and disregard for a teenager will cause him to loose any chance of having a relationship with his son. It is really a shame.

All we know about the new order is that Judge Porter held a hearing without my mom there, at a time and place she couldn't attend, and now has issued an order saying that she can't even find out what happened or was said about her or her child at the hearing and she can't talk about the fact that this hearing even happened.

It's really sad. We were so excited about coming home. My little brother is almost 16 and we will just have to continue living in exile for 2 more years. We are disappointed but what is most important is that my brother will be safe here in Holland. It's a shame that we can not go back home for another 2 years but but my mom firmly believes that children always come first!

Judge Charles A. Porter, Jr. Hennepin County. Direct phone: 612-348-8150 ...